List of options available in database access menu
Main information of the database to identify for each molecule, the different isotopologues and the corresponding number of lines between a Lower Bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1) with a sampling step : DNU (cm-1).
Quick analysis of the database contents in any selected spectral range between a Lower Bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1) with a sampling step : DNU (cm-1). Default value for sampling step: DNU= NU2-NU1; only one analysis between NU1 and NU2.
Plots of intensity (field B) and/or ground level (field D) histograms for one isotopologue of a given molecule, in any selected spectral range between a Lower Bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1), with a sampling step : DNU (cm-1).
Default value for sampling step : DNU= NU2-NU1 : only one series of histograms between NU1 and NU2. No isotopologue specification means considering all the isotopologues of the molecule.Extraction of the database contents in any selected spectral range between a Lower bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1) for one or more molecule(s) and isotopologue(s). Extraction of all the isotopologues of a molecule if no isotopologue specification.
Extraction of a set of vibro-rotational transitions involved in a specified vibrational transition of one given molecule and a choice of its isotopologues (one or more), in any selected spectral range between a Lower Bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1).
Complete description of existing vibrational transitions in any selected spectral range between a Lower bound : NU1 (cm-1) and an Upper Bound : NU2 (cm-1) for one or more molecule(s).